Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Halloween Weekend in Atlanta

Last week was a pretty busy week where I actually spent a few days in Asheville, North Carolina for a team meeting for work.  My goal to start eating healthy and exercising intently got a bit (okay, a lot) thrown off by this trip and the ridiculous amount of good food that was at my disposal.  I also swapped morning runs for the opportunity to go on casual walks and try new workouts with coworkers.  The good thing is that I did get myself moving every day, which I am proud to say is a part of my life nowadays to be active!  Asheville was a great, reenergizing time, and provided some beautiful views.

When I arrived back, I was pretty tired, but also anxious to get some runs in since I only had run on Monday of the week, and it was on the treadmill.  I started off Halloween with a "spooky" run with Janet in the morning.  And actually, nothing was actually spooky about it, we just took our post run picture with the cut out signs at Atlantic Station where we meet.  Halloween was about to begin!

Friday evening brought some beautiful views as well.  While I was stuck in traffic, I was mesmerized by the sky and the beautiful light it was throwing all over.  It was good picture light, if you will.

I spent the evening with some friends enjoying a delicious, home cooked VEGAN meal by some of my fellow runner and triathlete friends.  They have been talking to me about the benefits and advantages of eating vegan throughout the whole summer and I have been intrigued, but also hesitant to consider it since it would be a major life change.  I loved the amazingly delicious meal that they put together of a big salad, pumpkin curry with brown rice and corn bread, and a banana and peanut butter "ice cream" at the end with cocoa nibs.  It was all so, so good.  I decided that I could likely become vegan if they were to cook every meal for me :)

Although I am not quite at a place to take the plunge into vegan-ism, I love learning about different styles and approaches people have towards food and eating.  My friends also had such a warm, loving and happy home, it was great to spend the night with them and left feeling full in mind and body!  Plus, I was definitely inspired to cook more with fresh fruits and veggies and try some new things.  When I went grocery shopping this week I bought pomegranates for the first time and definitely want to try their pumpkin curry at some point!  I also committed myself to cooking THEM a vegan meal in the future.

I continued to spend time this weekend cheering on my friends as they tackled their fall race goals, now that my race is beyond me and my schedule isn't as packed with my own training.  

The trail right by me, that I actually posted about yesterday, was hosting the Silver Comet Half Marathon, that I had one friend running their first half marathon for and another who was going for a PR.  I love bringing the energy and cheering on runners because I appreciate that adrenaline so much when I am out on the course myself!  While at this race, I learned that I really need to step up my game because the same friends who had made me dinner the night before really set a new standard of the amount of energy and support that you can bring to the race course as supporters.  Once our friends finished, they stayed until the very end cheering on all of the half marathon finishers.  It was amazing!

I spent the rest of my Saturday getting my own workout in and then doing errands, grocery shopping, and cooking for the week.  No, I did not go out and get dressed up on Saturday night for Halloween.  Instead I spent the night doing laundry, cooking and prepping fruits and veggies and meals for the week, and doing a little bit of this.

I joked with one of my friends that I dressed up like a crazy lady this Halloween and she had the nerve to reply, "Yeah you do look a bit crazy." when I sent her this pic.  Haha, thanks for the honesty!

It was really nice to spend the whole day for myself and not go out though.  I had joked the day before that my goal was to not put on "real clothes" the whole day, and I was happy to have achieved that goal.  Sometime I overbook myself and the real challenge for me is to spend needed alone time and it was nice to be able to get that in on Saturday and then get up early to get my run in on Sunday.  The days of wild Halloweens have past!  I had a lot of fun when I found this old picture from a Girl Scout Halloween because I got such a kick out of it.

And also?  This pic of my beautiful baby niece and nephew.  Aren't they amazing?? Milk and cookies, aren't they the cutest!

After doing my 8-mile run, I met up with and spent the day with a friend in town for work and gave him a mini tour of Atlanta and taking him around to some of my favorite spots.  One of the most exciting parts of that day was when we were at Ladybird, a favorite spot for brunch, lunch, dinner or drinks, we spotted the actor Owen Wilson who was there eating!  I am totally NOT a celebrity spotter.  Heck, I don't even know who most celebrities are due to lack of any skills in observation and my incredibly poor track record in movies I have seen.  We didn't talk to him or anything, but I got a kick out of it and was very proud of the fact that I was able to make the spot.

It was a fun Sunday and kick off to November, wrapping up Halloween weekend with my first celebrity sighting.

Exciting times!  Hope your week is going well.

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