Monday, June 17, 2013

Father's Day weekend recap and eating embarrassment

Hey everyone!  I hope that you had a good Father's Day weekend and enjoyed the sun that was out for a bit.  I certainly did and could have used a bit more, to be honest!  I headed out on Saturday morning to my dad's house in Massachusetts where I met up with him, his wife, and my little twin brothers for a day on the water.  It was seriously so great to be out on the water... I don't have enough of that in my life here in Albany.  It was made even greater to be there with some super cutie pies.

I'm fully obsessed with these little munchkins and love interacting with them, seeing them learn, and grow.   As I'm a big "little kid" myself, I have lots of fun things I like to share and teach them.  I'm lucky enough that we snagged this little video from the weekend.  Watching it just makes me smile!

One of the cutest things is seeing them interact with one another.  Their conversations, their friendship, their rivalries.  They are adorable and at such a fun age.  They love taking pictures right now.  So I ended up with a lot of these on my camera at the end of the weekend...

After going out on the boat we went home where I stayed the night at my Dad's.  Little boys in PJs are just as cute as little boys on boats.  Use these photos of Tristan as an example (Nicholas passed out for the night early.)

The morning consisted of some snuggles with the boys, Father's Day presents, and a 3-mile run.  I'm really glad that I had the motivation to get up and run because it made me feel a little better about some of my decisions later in the day.  Oh, and before I left, there were obviously some more pictures.  I let them each take turns with my camera.  I'm sorry but they are just too cute not to share :)

Nicholas's picture of Tristan and I
Tristan's picture of Nicholas and I.
I headed out to my Mom's parents house for a quick visit with some members of my family there.  We used to have tons of big cookouts and pool parties at my grandparents all throughout the summer and the plan was to have a throwback party for Father's Day but the weather didn't cooperate.  We hung out by the pool but the weather wasn't really warm enough to use the pool -- except for the really, really brave.

Nonetheless, it's always a good time to hang out with family and celebrate the fathers in my family!

I came back to Albany on Sunday night tired and with a lot going on in my head.  I tried to write a blog entry last night but wasn't exactly sure how to express what I was feeling.  I'm still not entirely sure, but figured I'd just keep it brief.

So, I didn't do the best with eating well this weekend.  I planned to.  I had every intention of sticking with the plan of the cleanse I was 1/2 way through.  I drank a black coffee on my drive -- first one in my life -- to avoid sugar and milk.

But for some reason I felt the need to overcompensate when I was with other people.  My family all reads the blog and let me know that they'd read how I was trying to be healthy lately, yet I pretended I wasn't.  "What? No, it's totally fine.  It doesn't matter.  I can eat whatever."

And then once I broke the seal, I just indulged a lot.  Double ice cream.  Lots of frosting from cake.  More servings then necessary of meals.  Just a lot of nonsense that wasn't needed.  I knew what I was doing and made the decisions, so I've decided to not be mad at myself.  However, I wanted to figure out why I felt that way and why I made those decisions.

I think I was feeling embarrassed.  I've gotten used to sitting here alone in my apartment spilling my thoughts on to the blog, it's sometimes weird when people mention the really personal things that I write.  I've been trying to connect more with the bloggers I don't know that read this and forgot that I still have to see some people in real life :)

Anyways, I'm doing my best to have a healthy attitude about things.  I don't know if that cleanse thing was right for me.  I broke all the rules anyways.  I'm just going to keep on, keeping on!

Today I caught up on laundry, grocery shopping and cooking.  I tried to make a new recipes of flavored roasted almonds and it came out gross and had to be scrapped.  Sad face.

Otherwise, a pretty uneventful Monday.  Hope you are all having a great start to your week and a happy, happy belated Father's Day to all the Dad's, Soon-To-Be-Dad's, and Dad-like-figures out there!  XOXO.


  1. Aw, twins! So cute, do they have their own language? I've heard that twins can develop that and I think it's so cool. Don't kill yourself about the cleanse... weekends and being around family and friends are HARD. The only reason I was able to not cheat is because I basically hibernated all weekend. But you have to find what works best for you, and maybe Advocare just isn't it. Besides, I think you look great anyway. :-)

    Sarah @ Life As Always

    1. Thank you!! So sweet. I really appreciate it.
